5700 Yonge Street, Suite 1100
Toronto, ON M2M 4K2
Tel: 416-226-2342
Fax: 416-222-6874
During the current COVID-19 situation, we want to share with you that our Firm is OPEN for business and we are available to help. We are actively working for you on existing files, and we are here to answer your questions.
To any potential clients, we are available to talk with you, to help you understand whether we are the right firm for you. If so, we can get started now or as soon as you are ready.
We are available for Video (Zoom, WebEx, FaceTime, WhatsApp) meetings, phone calls, and in person meetings (by special appointment and using appropriate distancing and safety precautions).
For the most part we are working from home and our physical office is closed, except by appointment, in an effort to protect our clients and staff and in order to help flatten the curve. Our office has been fully paperless for years and many staff have worked from home on a regular basis prior to COVID-19. As such, there has been little transition for us in the way that we are operating.
We can be easily reached by phone at 416-226-2342 (leave a message on the appropriate extension) or email and we look forward to hearing from you.